1st NCORE Coral Reef Research Forum
[Event Announcement] [Agenda] [Abstracts]

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Group 1: Presentations

1.1. Global change and effects on coral reefs: examples from the equatorial eastern Pacific. (Peter Glynn, MBF)

1.2. State of the coasts in the central Bahamas: identifying ecological change and impacts on near shore reefs. (Sherry Constantine, DOB)

1.3. A Status Report on the Condition of Florida�s Coral Reefs (Diego Lirman, MBF)

1.4. Is wasp waist forcing occurring in coral reef ecosystems? (Gary Thomas, MBF)

1.5. Sustaining Florida�s Coral Reef Fisheries (Jerald Ault, MBF)

1.6. US Caribbean Fish Trap Fishery Costs and Earnings Study (Juan Agar, MAF)

Group 2: Presentations

2.1. Geologic Structure and a Delta of Sand Dictated the Location of the Florida Reef Tract (Art Gleason, MGG)

2.2. Facies and spatial relationships in a mixed microbial-algal-coral reef system: Highborne Cay, Bahamas. (Miriam Andres, MGG)

2.3. Investigations into the d15N and d13C of POM, Primary Producers and Filter Feeders in the Florida Keys Coral Reef System. (Kathryn Lamb, MGG)

2.4. Nitrogen Isotropic Ratios in Corals: Pollution or Productivity (Peter Swart, MGG)

2.5. A Long Term History of Salinity Changes in the Caribbean Using Stable Isotopes in Coral Skeletons (Brad Rosenheim, RSMAS)

2.6. Modeling the circulation around the Florida Keys Marine Sanctuary and the Tortugas Ecological Reserve (Villy Kourafalou, MPO)

2.7. From Basin Scale to Reef Scale Processes: an Approach to Assess Larval Dispersion Patterns in the Florida Keys (Jerome Fiechter, AMP)

Group 3: Presentations

3.1. Ecological Mechanisms of Coral Reef Resistance in a Tropical Upwelling System (Tyler Smith, MGG)

3.2. Disturbance vs. landscape controls on recruitment dynamics in a Florida coral population (Mark Vermeij, MGG)

3.3. SICO: An agent-based epidemiological model of coral disease (Marilyn Brandt, MBF)

3.4. AGRRA database of acroporids, a tool for deciding on endangered status. (Rodrigo Garza-Perez, MGG)

3.5. The other side of our oceans: Corals from the Cape Verde Islands (Christopher Moses, MGG)

Group 4: Presentations

4.1. Western Tropical Atlantic�Pacific Comparative Studies (Focus �1�: Potential Plasticity of Locations of Coral Reef Fish Spawning Aggregation Sites) (Andrew Bakun, MBF)

4.2. Modelling Population Connectivity of Coral Reef Fishes Within the Greater Caribbean (Robert Cowen, MBF)

4.3. Patterns and processes influencing larval supply and recruitment of fishes in the Florida Keys and the Caribbean (Kirsten Grorud-Colvert, MBF)

4.4. Fish Movement Relative to Habitat: Implications for Marine Reserve Design (Nicholas Farmer, MBF)

4.5. Herbivorous reef fishes in a changing coral reef system (Michelle Paddack, MBF)

4.6. Diversity, demographic population structure and habitat-partitioning of reef-associated elasmobranchs at a Caribbean oceanic atoll (Glover�s Reef, Belize) (Elizabeth Babcock, MBF)

4.7. Tidal and seasonal effect on larval transport across the SW Florida shelf: the pink shrimp case (Maria Criales, MBF)

Group 5: Presentations

5.1. The Twilight Zone Team: The University of Miami's Newest Proposed Research Capability (Rick Riera-Gomez, MBF)

5.2. New Technologies for Addressing Depth and Scale Limitations of Coral Reef Remote Sensing (Art Gleason, MGG)

5.3. Land-Based Propagation Facility for Ecologically Important Reef Corals: Enhancement of Nursery Growout via Laboratory Trials (Thomas Capo, MBF)

5.4. New Integrated Autonomous Measurement Systems for Coral Reef Monitoring (Rod Zika, MAC)

5.5. The Challenge of Building Forecasting into the New Online Data Navigator for South Florida (John McManus, MBF)

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