Amit Hazra

GIS Technician
National Center for Caribbean Coral Reef Research (NCORE)
email: [email protected]

Amit has a wide range of research interests including : (i) development of a computer-based Decision Support System (DSS) that will allow managers and scientists to efficiently and effectively retrieve spatially referenced data from various location in a user-friendly environment, (ii) assessment and monitoring of coral reefs throughout the Caribbean basin using the AGRRA protocol, and (iii) building awareness and capacity for conservation through educational courses and seminars to inform stakeholders about GIS and coral reef monitoring activities.

Prior to joining NCORE, Amit served as the project coordinator for the Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) Program (2003).  His primary responsibilities included coordinating personnel and equipment matters for regional Caribbean coral reef assessments, producing posters and educational materials for conferences, and designing reef classifications using GIS.  Additionally, he led coral reef community assessments in the Florida Keys and Eastern Puerto Rico sponsored by NOAA Program VII, General Coral Reef Conservation, NOAA Fisheries � Office of Protected Research, and the Ocean Research and Education Foundation.  He has also served as a GIS assistant for two NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service projects; 1) Remote sensing and GIS analysis of seagrasses in coastal North Carolina (1998) and  2) GIS analysis of the effectiveness of marine protected areas on reef fish in the Florida Keys (2002).  His thesis work concentrated on developing a simple GIS-based approach for applying the AGRRA methodology to reefs around the Caribbean.  While a graduate student with the University of Miami � Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, he served as a teaching assistant for various classes in the Division of Marine Science and Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries at the University of Miami.

In 2000, Amit received his BA degree in Environmental Studies (marine biology concentration) from Denison University in Granville, Ohio.   In December 2003, he completed his MA degree in the Division of Marine Affairs and Policy, University of Miami- Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. 

Amit is an AAUS authorized scientific diver for the University of Miami and continues to provide field and logistical support for several studies in Biscayne National Park and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.

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